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Reporting - fields

Article Objective: To assist admin users in navigating the Admin Centre within Active Ledger & Reporting to create reporting fields at a firm level to enable standardisation. 

Context: Within report templates, information is populated from the Active Ledger file by using special fields. These fields let you build a generic report that you can use for all entities. They can be used to perform simple tasks, such as returning a report title or entity name. 

Please refer to the Glossary for definitions of key terms used in this article.         


Accessing the Admin Centre 

Navigate to the Active Platform home page.   

Click on your name icon and press Admin Centre.


Click on Ledger & Reporting Admin. 

Click on Page TemplatesHeader Template or Notes   


Fields can be used anywhere in Active Ledger that administrators can create or edit content (see the administrator article: Reporting - content editor). They can also be used in titles, headers and footers. 

Below is an example of how fields have been used in a paragraph in the Compilation Report template to return names and dates:

Note: Each field must be wrapped within two sets of curly braces as shown by: {{text}}

Note: To return subsets of properties, use the '.' syntax between each property. For example to return which state an office is in you would use: {{Office.Address.State}}

Note: All fields are case sensitive.

Reporting fields

Below is a complete list of fields which can be used within a report to populate information:

Report Title{{Title}}String
DateTime*{{DateTime d MMMM yyyy}}String e.g. format of date:
1 January 2024
(see below)
Office Id{{Office.Id}}GUID - Unique Office Identifier
Office Name{{Office.Name}}String
Office Trading Name{{Office.TradingName}}String
Office ABN{{Office.ABN}}String
Office Address{{Office.Address.AddressLine1}}
{{Office.Address.State }}
{{Office.Address.Suburb }}
{{Office.Address.PostCode }}
Entity Name
Entity Trading Name{{Entity.TradingName}}String
Entity ABN{{Entity.ABN}}
Entity Type{{Entity.EntityType}}
Stringe.g. 'Company', 'Trust', 'Partnership', 'Sole Trader'
Entity Responsible{{Entity.Responsible}}
Stringe.g. 'Director', 'Directors', 'Trustee, 'Trustees'
Entity Extended Responsible{{Entity.ExtendedResponsible}}
Stringe.g. 'Directors of ABC Company Pty Ltd', 'Trustees of ABC Trust', 'Proprietor'
Entity Responsible Plural{{Entity.ResponsiblePlural}}
True/False - Booleane.g. 'Shareholders', 'Beneficiaries', 'Members', 'Proprietor', 'Partners'
Entity Owner{{Entity.Owner}}
Principal Activities{{Entity.PrincipalActivites}}
INot For Profit{{Entity.NotForProfit}}True/False - Boolean

Is Company{{Entity.IsCompany}}
True/False - Boolean
Is Trust{{Entity.IsTrust}}
True/False - Boolean

Is Association{{Entity.IsAssociation}}
True/False - Boolean

Entity Registered Office{{Entity.RegisteredOffice.AddressLine1}}
Entity Principal Place of Business{{Entity.PrincipalPlaceOfBusiness.AddressLine1}}
Start Date*{{StartDate:d MMMM yyyy}}String
e.g. format of date:
1 January 2024
(see below)
End Date*{{EndDate:d MMMM yyyy}}Stringe.g. format of date:
1 January 2024
(see below)
IsWholeYear{{IsWholeYear}}True/False - Boolean
Partner Id{{Partner.Id}}GUID - Unique User Identifier

Partner Email{{Partner.Email}}String
Partner First Name{{Partner.FirstName}}
Partner Last Name{{Partner.LastName}}
Partner Position{{Partner.Position}}StringWill return the Partner's position as shown in their Active Ledger User profile.
Partner Display Name{{Partner.DisplayName}}
String => First Name and Last Name
Page Title{{Page.Title}}String
User Id{{User.Id}}
GUID - Unique User Identifier

User Email{{User.Email}}String

User First Name{{User.FirstName}}String

User Last Name{{User.LastName}}String

*The following shows how date patterns can be used in the above fields to display in the format you require:

PatternResult string
dd MMMM yyyy30 June 2024
dddd, dd MMMM yyyyTuesday, 30 June 2024
MMMM ddJune 30

Financial fields

Below is a complete list of fields which can be used within a report to populate financial information. The values will be chosen from the primary report column.                


Gross Profit

Profit from Operations{{Financial.ProfitFromOperations}}
Net Profit{{Financial.NetProfit}}
Income Tax{{Financial.IncomeTax}}
Profit Before Tax{{Financial.ProfitBeforeTax}}
Total Assets{{Financial.TotalAssets}}
Total Liabilities{{Financial.TotalLiabilities}}
Total Equity{{Financial.TotalEquity}}
Net Current Assets{{Financial.NetCurrentAssets}}
Retained Earnings{{Financial.RetainedEarnings}}


Format the result as a number by adding :C or :N and the number of decimal places to round to, for example, to format the net profit with two decimal places:


Or to format a plain number with 0 decimal places:


You can also use Excel style combinations for formatting negative numbers and zeroes, for example to get negatives in brackets and 0's showing as '-':


Prior periods

You can access prior periods by appending 'Array' to the field title and using .X where X is the number of the column you wish to refer to. For example, to get the net profit from the second column in the report (usually your prior year) you would use:


You can test for the existence of the value by using it in conjunction with a #if statement, for example:

{{#if Financial.NetProfitArray.2}}Text to show if there is a second column.{{/if}}

In addition, you can access the column headers by referring to the following fields:


Header Text (1st row)

Period Text (2nd Row){{Financial.ColumnPeriodTextArray.1}}
Sign Text (3rd row){{Financial.ColumnSignTextArray.1}}

Use these in conjunction with an if statement to build a 'prior year value in brackets', for example:   

You can test for the existence of the value by using it in conjunction with a #if statement, for example the following statement:

{{Financial.NetProfit:C0}}{{#if Financial.NetProfitArray.2}}({{Financial.ColumnPeriodTextArray.2}}: {{Financial.NetProfitArray.2:C0}}){{/if}}

Will render as the following if there is a second column where the period text says '2:

$15,000 (2021: $12,000)

Reporting tags

If statements

Within a report an 'If Statement' can be used to return different text. 

The following example takes a True/False variable and returns the text "Are" if True and "Is" if False: 

{{#if Entity.ResponsiblePlural}}are{{#else}}is{{/if}} 

The following example checks to see if a property exists and returns an ABN {{Entity.ABN}} if it does exist and blank if it does not exist: 

{{#if Entity.ABN}}ABN {{Entity.ABN}}{{/if}}


You can use 'uppercase' and 'lowercase' in a tag to convert the contents of a string to that case, for example:

{{#lowercase Entity.EntityType}}

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