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Reporting - report masters

Article Objective: To assist admin users in navigating the Admin Centre within Active Ledger & Reporting to customise the firms reporting masters.

Context: Report masters detail the overall outline and order of the report. In this screen, an administrator can create or edit custom firm reports. 'Page Templates' can also be added to the report master. Active Ledger comes with various standard reports, including Special Purpose Financial Report, GPFR Simplified Disclosures, etc., as well as an empty report.    

Please refer to the Glossary for definitions of key terms used in this article.                      


Accessing the Admin Centre 

Navigate to the Active Platform home page.

Click on your name icon and press Admin Centre.


Click on Ledger & Reporting Admin. 

Click on Report Masters      

Adding a report master 

Using a template (recommended)

The below screen will appear. Click + New Template which will show a list of Business Fitness report templates available to be created. Select the one you wish to create. 

Note: This list will vary depending on the jurisdiction you are in (i.e. AU or NZ). 

This will add the report to the list - select it to customise. The below screen will appear, prefilling some information including the Master Name, Report Title, etc..    

The following table details the report fields requiring completion.          

Master NameThe name of the template which is used to identify the template when creating reports.
Report TitleReport title which will be displayed in the field {{Title}}.Required
Include in Favourites (checkbox)This will add the report to the favourites and show a yellow star next to the report name. Optional
Style (dropdown menu)This will determine the look of the report. This automatically sets to the 'default' option.  Required
Hide All Page Numbers (checkbox)When ticked, all page numbers are hidden in the report. Optional
Default Footer (dropdown menu)Selects which footer is used for the reports by default. This defaults to 'Compilation'.

The options are as follows: 
  • Compilation
  • Internal use
  • Those created in the Admin Centre
Restrict to Entity Type?If provided, the report will only be available for the selected entity type. More than one type can be selected. This defaults to 'Can be used for all entity types'. Required
Jurisdiction (dropdown menu)This will only appear if the firm is in multiple jurisdictions. Select as appropriate. Required
Page Layout (dropdown menu)This automatically sets to 'default'. If you wish to change it to be a short form profit and loss, select from the dropdown menu to change.Required
Swinging Behaviour (dropdown menu)This automatically sets to 'default' and determines how accounts which are configured to swing should behave when their balances are negative.

The options are as follows: 
  • Keeping Balances Together With Primary Column
  • Keep Balances Together
  • Separate
  • Disable
Default Reporting SuiteSelects the reporting suite that is used for the reports by default.
The system generates a list of standard pages and the order in which they appear, including pages such as the Compilation Report, Notes to the Financial Statements, etc.. If you wish to add a page, refer to the 'Adding pages' section in this article below.

Once you have completed the above details and added all relevant pages by referring to the 'Adding pages' section (if appliable), proceed to the 'Customising pages' section of this article.         

Starting from scratch

The below screen will appear. To add a new report style, click + New Report Master

The below screen will appear. 

The following table details the report fields requiring completion. 

Master NameThe name of the template which is used to identify the template when creating reports.
Report TitleReport title which will be displayed in the field {{Title}}.Required
Include in Favourites (checkbox)This will add the report to the favourites and show a yellow star next to the report name. Optional
Style (dropdown menu)This will determine the look of the report. This automatically sets to the 'default' option.  Required
Hide All Page Numbers (checkbox)When ticked, all page numbers are hidden in the report. Optional
Default Footer (dropdown menu)Selects which footer is used for the reports by default. This defaults to 'Compilation'. 

The options are as follows: 
  • Compilation
  • Internal use
  • Those created in the Admin Centre
Restrict to Entity Type?If provided, the report will only be available for the selected entity type. More than one type can be selected. This defaults to 'Can be used for all entity types'. Required
Jurisdiction (dropdown menu)This will only appear if the firm is in multiple jurisdictions. Select as appropriate. This defaults to 'Available for all jurisdictions'.Required
Page Layout (dropdown menu)This automatically sets to 'default'. If you wish to change it to be a short form profit and loss, select from the dropdown menu to change.Required
Swinging Behaviour (dropdown menu)This automatically sets to 'default' and determines how accounts which are configured to swing should behave when their balances are negative.

The options are as follows: 
  • Keeping Balances Together With Primary Column
  • Keep Balances Together
  • Separate
  • Disable
Default Reporting SuiteSelects the reporting suite that is used for the reports by default. 
This section lists the pages and the order in which they appear. To add pages to the report, refer to the 'Adding pages' section of this article below.

Once you have completed the above details and added all relevant pages by referring to the 'Adding pages' section, proceed to the 'Customising pages' section of this article.         

Adding pages 

To add a page to the report master, click + Add Page.

Add all the pages you require from the dropdown list. Pages can then be reordered by clicking the hamburger icons next to the page numbers and dragging them. To remove a page from a report select the cross button located on the right-hand side of the row.

Customising pages

In the pages section, you can update and change the default settings for each of the pages. There are four types of report pages that have different customisations: 

  1. Presentation pages
  2. Financial Statements pages 
  3. Legal pages 
  4. Story Board pages 

For information on customising the different page types, see the knowledge article: Reporting - pages.

Finalising a report master

Once you are satisfied with your report master, click Save and Close. This will add your template to the list of available report masters. 

Editing and deleting a report master

To edit a report master, navigate to the report masters list by following the instructions outlined in the 'Accessing the Admin Centre' section of this article. Click on the relevant report to open the edit screen. You will be able to make changes to all the fields which appear under the 'Adding a report master' section. Click on Save and Close to finalise.

To delete a report master, follow the above instructions to edit the report and click on Delete at the bottom of the screen.    

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