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HowNow Bookmarks

Bookmark NameDescription
HowNow ABNContact ABN number
HowNow ACNContact ACN number
HowNow Address1Contact address line 1
HowNow Address2
Contact address line 2
HowNow Address3
Contact address line 3
HowNow Address4
Contact address line 3
HowNow Address5
Contact address line 5
HowNow AddresseeContact name if the contact is an entity
HowNowAlternateEmailAlternate email address
HowNowAlternateInitialsAlternate initials
HowNowAlternateNameAlternate contact name
HowNowAlternatePositionAlternate contact position
HowNowAlternateSignatureEmbeds a signature file called Signature - XX where XX is the alternate contact's initials. The signature file must be a current item in Knowledge
HowNowAlternateWorkPhoneAlternate work phone number
HowNowBodySpecifies the body section of the merge document
HowNowClientCodeContact identifier
HowNowContactGroupBookmarks enclosed by this bookmark are repeated for every selected contact. Used in conjunction with the HowNowLabelAddress bookmark to print labels. See Creating Label Templates.
HowNowDateEOMThe date of the end of the current month in short form
HowNowDateEOMFThe date of the end of the current month in full
HowNowDateEOYThe date of the end of the financial year in short form
HowNowDateEOYFThe date of the end of the financial year in full
HowNowDateYearThe current year number
HowNowDateFYearThe current financial year number
HowNowDocumentIDThe unique ID of the template document
HowNowEmailContact email address
HowNowEnclosureSpecifies the enclosure section of the merge document
HowNowEntityNameContact entity name
HowNowFaxContact fax number
HowNowFirmAddress1Firm address line 1. See the HowNowFullAddress bookmark as it ignores blank lines.
HowNowFirmAddress2Firm address line 2
HowNowFirmAddress3Firm address line 3
HowNowFirmAddress4Firm address line 4
HowNowFirmNameThe firm’s name
HowNowFirmShortNameThe firm’s short name
HowNowFirstNamesContact first names
HowNowFormYearThe value of the contact's FormYear field. If no field by this name exists then the value obtained from the MailScan dialogue's form year field is used.
HowNowFullAddressContact’s full address - blank address lines are ignored
HowNowFullNameAddressee field if it contains data or contact full name (title, first names & last name) if not
HowNowGreetingThe greeting specified on the Merge Document dialog
HowNowGroupNameContact group name
HowNowIsIndividualTrue (1 or Y) if contact is an individual - this value controls how the address block of a letter is printed
HowNowJobCodeThe code of the job selected on the merge document dialog
HowNowJobNameThe name of the job selected on the merge document dialog
HowNowLabelAddressSpecial address for labels that includes the addressee, entity name if applicable and the full address. The height of the label can be specified by adding an underscore (_) followed by the height in lines to the end of the bookmark name. For example, HowNowLabelAddress_7 forces the label  to be 7 lines high. If no number is specified, the default is 7.  See Creating Label Templates.
HowNowLastNameContact last name
HowNowManagerEmailManager/Reviewer email address
HowNowManagerInitialsManager/Reviewer initials
HowNowManagerNameManager/Reviewer name
HowNowManagerWorkPhoneManager/Reviewer work phone number
HowNowMasterBodySpecifies the point in the master style template where the body section of the merge document will be inserted.
HowNowMasterEnclosureSpecifies the point in the master style template where the enclosure section of the merge document will be inserted.
HowNowMobileContact mobile number
HowNowPartnerEmailPartner email address
HowNowPartnerInitialsPartner initials
HowNowPartnerNamePartner name
HowNowPartnerWorkPhonePartner work phone
HowNowPhoneContact phone number
HowNowPreparerEmailPreparer email address
HowNowPreparerInitialsPreparer initials
HowNowPreparerNamePreparer name
HowNowPreparerWorkPhonePreparer work phone
HowNowRecordIDThe unique ID of the record created from the document
HowNowReferenceThe value of the Merge Document Dialogue's reference field
HowNowReviewerEmailReplaced by HowNowManagerEmail
HowNowReviewerInitialsReplaced by HowNowManagerInitials
HowNowReviewerNameReplaced by HowNowManagerName
HowNowReviewerWorkPhoneReplaced by HowNowManagerWorkPhone
HowNowSalutationContact salutation
HowNowSFNContact SFN number
HowNowSignatoryEmailSignatory email
HowNowSignatoryInitialsSignatory initials
HowNowSignatoryNameSignatory name
HowNowSignatoryPositionSignatory position
HowNowSignatoryQualificationsSignatory qualifications
HowNowSignatorySignatureEmbeds a signature from a file called Signature - XX where XX is the signatories initials. The signature file must be a current document in Knowledge.
HowNowSignatoryWorkPhoneSignatory work phone number
HowNowSignoffLetter sign-off text
HowNowSubjectLetter subject/title
HowNowSubjectRELetter subject/title with a ‘Re:’ prefix
HowNowTFNContact TFN number
HowNowTitleContact title
HowNowTodaysDateToday’s date in short form (dd/mm/yyyy)
HowNowTodaysDateFToday’s date in full (dd, mmm yyyy)
HowNowTimeThe current time in the format HH:MM AM/PM


Displays a data entry dialog. The data can be referenced by other bookmarks via the HowNowDataField bookmark. The first field is HowNowDataField_1, the second field is HowNowDataField_2, etc.

Note: the ‘|’ character is the vertical bar (above the Enter key on most keyboards).

The text enclosed by the bookmark has the form:

[Title Text

|Field 1 Prompt;Hint text;Input Status;Control Field #;Control Field Value|Field 1 Type

|Field 2 Prompt;Hint text;Input Status;Control Field #;Control Field Value |Field 2 Type

|Field X Prompt;Hint text;Input Status;Control Field #;Control Field Value |Field X Type]


Title Text is the text to display at the top of the data entry screen.

Field Prompt is the field prompt name.

Hint Text (optional) is the text to display as a hint for each field.

Input Status (optional) specifies that the field is Optional or Mandatory (the default).

Control Field Number (optional) is the number of the field that controls whether this field is enabled or not. The number can be positive or negative.

Control Field Value (optional if Control Field Number is not specified) is the value or values to compare with the control field. Multiple values can be entered by separating them with commas (,). If the control field number is positive and the comparison is equal, this field is enabled, if the control field number is negative and the comparison is equal, this field is disabled.

Field Type is one of the following field types. Note: if Field Type is followed by an optional field number, data entry fields can be rearranged later without having to change the numbers of the HowNow Data Fields that refer to them. The field number cannot exceed 999.

CHECKBOX – use to create a checkbox. Optionally followed by a semicolon and the word CHECKED to set the default state as checked. 

DATE – use to input dates, output format dd/mm/yyyy. Optionally followed by a semicolon and a default value or bookmark to be displayed in the field (DATE;30/06/2006 or DATE;HowNowTodaysDate). 

ELISTBOX – use to create an editable list box. Followed by a semicolon delimited list of items (ELISTBOX;Item1;Item2;…). 

FULLDATE – use to input dates, output format dd Month, yyyy. Optionally followed by a semicolon and a default value or bookmark to be displayed in the field (FULLDATE;30/06/2006 or FULLDATE;HowNowDateEOY).

GRID – use to enter tabular data. Followed by a semicolon delimited list of column names and field types (GRID;Column1 Name;Column1 Size (in points);Column1 Type;Column2 Name;Column2 Size (in points);Column2 Type;…).

HEADING – use to create a heading/separator for groups of fields. Optionally followed by a semicolon and the word NEW (HEADING;NEW) to force a new column on the data entry screen, or the word TAB (HEADING;TAB) to force a new tab on the data entry screen. Note: to suppress the heading but still create a new column or tab, use NO HEADING as the prompt for this field.

LISTBOX – use to create a non-editable list box. Followed by a semicolon delimited list of items (LISTBOX;Item1;Item2;…).

MONEY – use to input currency, format $#,#.##, minus sign, max 2 decimal places.

Optionally followed by a semicolon and FORCE, (Round) UP, (Round) DOWN or NO$SIGN. FORCE is used to force zero decimals to be inserted. By default, HowNow removes zero decimals. Up and Down are used to round the value up or down to the nearest whole number. NO$SIGN removes the dollar sign. Optionally followed by a semicolon and default value or bookmark to be displayed in the field.

NUMBER – use to input numbers, no decimals places. Optionally followed by a semicolon and default value or bookmark to be displayed in the field.

PERCENTAGE – use to input percentages, format #.##%, max 2 decimal places. Optionally followed by a semicolon and default value or bookmark to be displayed in the field.

TEXT – use to input a single line or multiple lines of alphanumeric text. Optionally followed by a semicolon and the number of lines to display on the data entry screen. If no entry is found, the default number of lines is 1.

Use CTRL-Enter to insert new lines. Otherwise, the text will automatically wrap (TEXT;5). 

Optionally followed by a semicolon and default value or bookmark to be displayed in the field.

– use to switch on diagnostic mode. Optionally followed by a semicolon and the name of a specific SelectText bookmark. For example, HowNowSelectText_032. In diagnostic mode, HowNow displays the text of each Select Text bookmark before it is executed to make debugging easier. Note: Diagnostic mode can also be selected from the merge document creation dialog when creating a merge document. 

Example: the bookmark [Depreciation Details|Date Claimed|FULLDATE1|Depreciation Amount|MONEY2] displays a data entry screen with the title ‘Depreciation Details and two fields ‘Date Claimed’ and ‘Depreciation Amount’. The first field can be accessed by a HowNowDataField_1 bookmark and field 2 by a HowNowDataField_2 bookmark. 


Inserts the results of a calculation into the document. Note: the ‘|’ character is the vertical bar (above the Enter key on most keyboards).

The text enclosed by the bookmark has the form:

[Value1|Operator1|Value2|Operator2|ValueX|OperatorX|Output Format;Function]


ValueX is a HowNow bookmark, a number or a date.

Operator is ‘+’ (add), ‘-‘ (subtract), ‘*’ (multiply), ‘/’ (divide), ‘SIGN’ ( -1 for negative, 0 for zero and 1 for positive) or ‘ABS’ (absolute value) or '<', '>', '=' (less than, greater than or equal to).


Function is FORCE, (Round) UP, (Round) DOWN or NO$SIGN. FORCE is optionally used with the MONEY format to force zero decimals to be inserted. By default, HowNow removes zero decimals. Up and Down are optionally used to round the value up or down to the nearest whole number. NO$SIGN removes the dollar sign.

Example: In the HowNowAskData example above, [HowNowDataField_2|/|10|MONEY;FORCE] would insert a value equal to 10 percent of the Depreciation amount field, format it as money and force .00 to be appended if the result of the calculation is a whole number.

Note: use ABS|0 as the last operator and value to ensure that the absolute value of the total is calculated.


Compares multiple sets of values separated by AND or OR and returns a 0 (false) or 1 (true) depending on the results. This bookmark is useful in conjunction with the HowNowSelectText bookmark when multiple values must be compared.

Note: the ‘|’ character is the vertical bar (above the Enter key on most keyboards). 

The text enclosed by the bookmark has the form:



Value1 and Value2 are bookmarks or text to be compared,

Operator is AND or OR. If the sets of value are separated by AND, and the comparisons are all true, 1 is returned. If any of the comparisons are false, 0 is returned. If the sets of values are separated by OR, and any one of the comparisons is true, 1 is returned. If all of the comparisons are false, 0 is returned.


[HowNowDataField_1|Refund] - Compares the value in HowNowDataField_1 with ‘Refund’ and returns 0 if false or 1 if true.

[HowNowDataField_1|Ineligible| AND |HowNowDataField_3|Appropriateness Consideration] - Compares the value in HowNowDataField_1 with ‘Ineligible’ and the value in HowNowDataField_2 with ‘Appropriateness Consideration’ and returns 1 (true) if both comparisons are true or 0 (false) if one or both comparisons are false.

[HowNowDataField_1|Ineligible| OR |HowNowDataField_3|Appropriateness Consideration] - Compares the value in HowNowDataField_1 with ‘Ineligible’ and the value in HowNowDataField_2 with ‘Appropriateness Consideration’ and returns 1 (true) if any of the comparisons are true or 0 (false) if both comparisons are false.


Inserts data from fields on the HowNowAskData data entry screen. A new HowNowDataField bookmark must be entered for each field specified in the HowNowAskData bookmark and given a number that matches the number of the data entry field.

Example: In the HowNowAskData example above, the Date Claimed (data field 1) and the Depreciation Amount (data field 2) have been entered. To insert these values into a letter, create two bookmarks HowNowDataField_1and HowNowDataField_2.

Note: to insert the same data field more than once, add a non-numeric character after the field number: HowNowDataField_1, HowNowDataField_1A and HowNowDataField_1B allows the same data field to be inserted three times in a document.

Inserting tabular (grid) data

To insert the results of a HowNowAskData GRID field into a table in a document:

In the document, create a table with the required number of columns and two rows. Enter the column headings in the first row and format the heading row and the column’s alignment as required.

Insert a HowNowDataField_X bookmark in the first column of the second row, where X is the field number of the GRID field.

If required, add additional rows for use as a footer.


Inserts the total of a grid column. The text enclosed by the bookmark has the following format:

[HowNowDataField_X;Column Number]

Where HowNowDataField_X is the grid data field, and

Column Number is the column to be totalled.

HowNowPageHeader, HowNowPageFooter

Microsoft Word contains an anomaly whereby bookmarks placed in page headers and footers cannot be found. The HowNowPageHeader and HowNowPageFooter bookmarks convert ordinary paragraphs containing bookmarks into page headers or footers AFTER the bookmarks have been replaced with data. 

For example, to embed the Partner’s name in a page header, create a paragraph containing the HowNowPartnerName bookmark anywhere in a document as follows:

Partner: [HowNowPartnerName]

Then highlight the paragraph and create a HowNowPageHeader bookmark.

When HowNow processes the document, the HowNowPartnerName bookmark will be replaced with the Partner’s name and then the paragraph will be converted into a page header.

HowNowIncrementMonth and HowNowIncrementYear

Increments a specified date by a specified number of months or years respectively. Leap years are catered for. Note: the ‘|’ character is the vertical bar (above the Enter key on most keyboards).

The text enclosed by the bookmark has the form:



Date is either a HowNow Bookmark or a fixed date.

Increment is the (positive or negative) increment required.

Function (optional) is FULL to specify output in full date format (Day Month Year)

Example: [HowNowDateEOY;1;Full] will insert 30th June, 2017 into the document if the current year is 2016.


Allows the insertion of alternate text depending on the value of a specified bookmark. Note: the ‘|’ character is the vertical bar (above the Enter key on most keyboards).

The text enclosed by the bookmark has the form:

[Text1|Text2|Text to insert if Text1 = Text2|Text to insert if Text1 <> Text2]


Text1 is a HowNow Bookmark or text and

Text2 is True (or 1), False (or 0), IsBlank (Text2 is empty), IsNotBlank (Text2 contains a value) or text.

Example 1: [HowNowAlternateName|True|myself or [HowNowAlternateName].|me.] will insert the ‘myself or’ and the alternate contact’s name if there is one, or ‘me’ if there isn’t one.

Example 2: This bookmark inserts the words 'Payable', 'Refund' or 'No Payment' depending on the value in a data field field (HowNowDataField_5, say). Note 'space' is a single space and is needed to separate the ends of the two Select Text bookmarks.

[[HowNowDataField_5|SIGN]|1|Payable|[[HowNowDataField_5|SIGN]|0|No Payment|Refund]Space]

 Bookmark order: 

1 HowNowCalculate_01 

2 HowNowCalculate_02 

3 HowNowSelectText_20 

4 HowNowSelectText_30 


This bookmark allows the insertion of user defined data into documents. Contact support for assistance in setting up your client database to use this bookmark.

The text enclosed by the bookmark has the form:

[FIELDNAME] where FIELDNAME is the name of a data field in the client database.

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