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Creating a Customised Worksheet

To create a new worksheet, it is recommended you start with the 'Spare Worksheet - Blank'. This will save time setting up the heading items of the worksheet as they will already be set up. Or you can customise one of the Smart Suite Template worksheets by downloading the relevant worksheet and making any firm customisations required.

For help on making the customisations see the following articles:

Downloading a template for use

To download the 'Spare Worksheet - Blank', or another specific worksheet you want to use as a template for customising, navigate to the Admin screen on the Smart Suite Workpapers website. Click on Templates

From here you can choose the relevant template by using the search bar. Alternatively, you can select a product from the dropdown menu, which will list all the templates associated with that starter file.

Clicking on the template will take you to a screen with all the details of that template, including the files available for download. Expand the Files section and select the relevant version (there may only be one available) and click the Download button. 

Once downloaded, follow the instructions for customising your template (see articles listed above). You then can upload your own firm version by following the instructions in the knowledge article: Uploading a Customised Worksheet.

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