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How to create recurring jobs

Using the recurrence option, you can automatically create the next recurring job either at the 'Start or Completion of a Job' or a Job can be set to 'recur now' manually. This saves time when jobs occur annually, monthly, etc.

A Recurrence Frequency needs to be included in the Job for this function to work. This is the timeframe for when the job will be created again - annually, monthly, quarterly, etc.

Batch - the recurring function normally supports only one Job per Job Type per Client per period. Adding a batch to a Job separates it from other jobs for the same period, enabling you to recur them independently.

Schedule Start Date of the Next Job - this is either based on the Job Type or the date can be manually chosen and will then be used for jobs created when recurring this job. 

Automatically Create the Next Recurring Job - this field allows for the new job to be created when the existing Job is Started or Completed. 

Alternatively, you can choose to Create Recurring Jobs Now. When you choose to create the recurring jobs now, you will have the option to select the No of Instances or Schedule Out to Report Periods Ending at a specific date.

Once the Recurring Job(s) are created has been rolled over, you will see a list of any Upcoming Jobs that have been created from this Job. These Jobs will also appear in the full Jobs List.

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