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How to set up and use the Active - FYI integration

Article Objective: To assist admin users in navigating the Active Platform to set up and use the Active - FYI integration.       

Context: The Active - FYI integration allows users to seamlessly search and link documents from FYI directly within Active Workpapers, thus eliminating the need to switch between applications. Additionally, the integration enables users to export finished binders as Zip files directly to FYI, bypassing the manual process of downloading and uploading completed binders. This streamlined workflow not only saves time but also minimises the likelihood of errors.        


Step-by-step guide

Please note that to set up this integration, users need to have administrative access to both systems. 

Once an administrator has finished setting up, the integration becomes available for all users to access and utilise on workpapers. 

Part 1: obtaining the access key ID and the secret key from FYI

  1. Click the Automation menu option in FYI
  2. Click the Apps tab
  3. Click the Active by Business Fitness cog icon to edit the integration

  4. Click  Create new secret

  5. The secret key will be displayed in a pop-up. Click the clipboard icon to copy the key and paste it into Active Workpapers or a secure location, for example, a vault


    Note: You will only be able to view the secret key the first time this window is displayed. If the key is required again, you will need to disconnect the integration, request a new key, and reconnect your integration. 

  6. Click Done once you have saved the secret key to a secure location

  7. The access key ID will be displayed. Click the clipboard icon to copy the key ID and paste it into Active Workpapers or a secure location, for example, a vault       

    Note: For this integration, the AutoFile defaults in FYI may be disregarded.

Part 2: integrating the secret key in Active Platform

  1. In Active, go to the Admin Centre and click on Integrations

  2. Locate the 'FYI Docs' integration option and click Configure      

  3. Enter the 'Access ID' and 'Access Secret' copied from FYI and click Save and Close

  4. Select your FYI location from the dropdown, as below               

  5. The 'Binder Link Setting' option controls whether URLs for binders created in Active are automatically posted to FYI. Enabling it makes binder links visible in FYI, but it's optional and off by default.       

    An example of the URL created in FYI

  6. Select your FYI 'Default Cabinet For Exported Binder Zip File'. 

How to use the integration

Linking source documents

For information on how to link FYI Docs, see the 'Linking a document' section in the knowledge article: How to link various records to a binder.                    

The only difference to the article is that you would select Add from FYI and select documents that way, instead of dragging and dropping documents using the Upload Docs feature.         

Exporting completed binders

For information on how to export a completed binder, see the knowledge article: How to export a binder


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