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Database Settings

Please only change these settings in consultation with the HowNow Support Team.

These settings tell HowNow where to find the HowNow database and the HowNow content (i.e. the actual documents). They also tell HowNow where to automatically save merged documents and other "Records" documents.

Note: This section is applicable, regardless of whether your organisation has installed the Records Management software module.

To display this dialog select File > System Tools > Advanced > Database Settings 

  1. Name of the server containing the HowNow DATA folder:
    Enter the name of the server (i.e. the computer) containing the HowNow DATA folder

    Note: To find this out, go to the server and select Start > Control Panel > System > Computer Name tab and note the name next to Full computer name. Do not include the full-stop/period when entering the name of the server.

  2. Physical path to the HowNow DATA\HowNow.fdb database file:
    Enter the physical path (not a mapped path) to the HowNow DATA folder on the server or click the Browse button to browse to the folder on the server containing the HowNow DATA folder.

  3. Network Path to the HowNow DATA folder on the Server:
    Enter the mapped path or click the Browse button to browse to the folder on the server containing the HowNow DATA folder.

  4. Network Path to the Records documents on the Server:
    Note: this field will only appear if the Records module is installed.
    Enter the path or click the Browse button to the folder on the server where your organisation wishes to store "Record" documents such as letters sent to contacts or team members. The default path is a  sub-folder called Records within the HowNow DATA folder. However, if your organisation already has a specified folder for storing client sub folders and records, browse to that folder on the server.

  5. Network Path to the Record Archive folder:
    Note: this field will only appear if the Records module is installed.
    Enter the path or click the Browse button to the folder on the server or removable drive where your organisation wishes to store "Archived" records such as letters sent to contacts or team members.

  6. Click OK when complete.

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