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How to set up and use the Active - Xero Practice Manager (XPM) integration

Article Objective: To assist admin users in navigating the Active Platform to set up and use the Active - Xero Practice Manager (XPM) integration.       

Context: Admin users are able to connect the Active Platform with XPM to synchronise client and user data. By the end of this article, you will understand the prerequisites, setup, data sync details (frequency and fields), usage, error logs and FAQs of this connection.           



Before setting up the XPM and Active Platform integration, you will need to ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • You must have a current XPM subscription
  • You must have a current Business Fitness Active subscription
  • You must have administrator access to both XPM and Business Fitness Active accounts
  • To authorise the integration in XPM, ensure that the user account you want to use has the 'Connect third-party add-ons' privilege enabled. To locate this privilege in Xero, navigate to Business → Settings → Staff and select the person you wish to edit. Then navigate to Permissions → Practice Administration. The option should be located towards the bottom of the page, as depicted below

  • In XPM, all staff must have the following fields completed:    
  • Name (Active will split this into first and last name)
  • Email address
  • In XPM, all clients must have the following fields completed:
  • Client Name (or first name, last name)
  • Partner 
  • The above mentioned partner(s) must also exist in the Active Platform, and their email addresses should match those in XPM. We suggest manually adding the partner to the Active Platform before configuring the sync
  • If you are a single partner firm or a firm that does not allocate partners to clients in XPM, you now have the option to establish a 'default partner' in Active Platform. This ensures that in cases where a client has not been assigned a specific partner in XPM, the synchronisation will proceed using the default partner   
    • To set up a 'Default Partner,' go to Admin Centre -> Office, select the default partner from the list, Save and Close


WARNING: To avoid duplications, please ensure that any clients set up directly in the Active Platform during the pilot/trial stage have the same client code in both Active and XPM.    

Supported fields

The XPM and Active Platform integration sync the following user and client fields.   

For users

XPM field name

Business Fitness field name



First Name, Last Name





After users have been added to the Platform, it is necessary for your Platform Administrator to include the following for users to access the Active Platform.                        

  1. Role
  2. Office
  3. Module

For clients

XPM field name

Business Fitness field name



Legal Name



Individual Title



Contact Details – Email



Contact Details – Telephone



Contact Details – Fax


Client Code






Job Manager



Address 1

Residential Address line 1


Address 2

Residential Address line 2


Address 3

Residential Address line 3



Residential Address Suburb



Residential Address State


Postal Address 1

Postal Address line 1


Postal Address 2

Postal Address line 2


Postal Address 3

Postal Address line 3


Postal City

Postal Address Suburb


Postal Region

Postal Address State


Postal Post Code

Postal Address Post Code



Client Group


Business Number



Business Structure

Entity Type


First name

Individual First Name


Last name

Individual Last Name


Contact Salutation

Individual Salutation


Note: Due to privacy protections in the Xero Practice Manager API, client tax file numbers are not automatically synced into Active Platform. You will need to update the client's tax file number in Active if you have not already done so. 


To set up the XPM and Active Platform integration, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Log in to the Active homepage and navigate to the ‘Admin Centre’ by clicking on your username.


2. In the Admin Centre, under the 'Firm', select Integrations.


3. In the ‘Integrations’ menu, select the XPM Configure button.


4. Update the sync name if applicable and click on the next step.

5. Click the Connect to Xero Practice Manager button and enter XPM credentials. The user credential used for this process must need XPM Administration privileges. 


6. Click ‘Allow Access'. 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email 
Description automatically generated

Once the connection is successful, you will be redirected to the ‘Set up XPM Connection’ page. 

** If the 'Xero Practice Manager Tenant' value is empty, please click on the drop-down menu and select the connection available there.


7. Select the 'Default Office Code' from the dropdown. You can also set the 'Default Office Partner' here.

8. Under the 'Notification Settings' section, select a user from the dropdown menu. If the synchronisation between XPM and Active is disrupted, we will send email notifications to the selected user, a maximum of one notification per 24-hour period. 

Hit Submit, and you will receive a message as shown below.

Ready to start the sync? Click Start Sync to initiate the process.

Prefer to sync later? Simply choose the Later option. When you are ready, use the Start Sync button located at the top of the screen to initiate the sync.       




The XPM and Active Platform integration sync data automatically every hour.

Error logs

The XPM and Active Platform integration generates error logs in case of any issues during the data sync process. You can access the error logs by going to Sync Monitoring (Admin Centre -> Firm -> Sync Monitoring) in Active and clicking on the XPM tab. The error logs provide details on the errors encountered during the sync process and suggestions for resolving the errors.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated



How often does the XPM and Active Platform integration sync data?

The integration syncs user and client data from XPM to the Active Platform every hour.

What happens if there are errors during the data sync process?

The XPM and Active Platform integration generate error logs that provide details on the errors encountered during the sync process and suggestions for resolving the errors.

Can I choose which fields to sync?

No, it is a standard integration that syncs predefined fields listed in the 'Supported Fields' section of this article.

What should I do if I encounter issues with the XPM and Active Platform integration?

If you encounter any issues with the integration, you can contact Business Fitness support for assistance.


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