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The HowNow Task system records details of tasks to be processed. Tasks are normally created as follow-ups to records or jobs that need to be performed, these can include tasks for clients, the firm or personally for employees. Note: if you have the Workflow module installed, please refer to that section for further details about Jobs and Tasks.

A template or record can be attached to and processed or edited from a task. If a record is opened from a task, HowNow prompts to change the attached task’s status when the record is closed and records the time the record was opened.

Tasks Tab

The Tasks Tab consists of the standard HowNow search field, filter options and the search results list. 


The filters area consists of selections for the following:

  • Contact or Team Member (you can then select the client or employee)
  • The Employee filter has the following options and with each of these options, a drop-down list allows a person to be selected:
    • Manager
    • Partner
    • Reviewer
    • Inactive Only
    • Assigned To
    • Assigned By
  • Status filter drop-down lists all the Task statuses that have been created - the standard options are:
    • All Tasks
    • Incomplete (default)
    • Completed
    • Started
    • Not Started
    • Wait Client
    • On Hold

Date Range 

The date range filter can be set for task:

  • Due Date
  • Start Date
  • Completed Date

and can be run for these options within the selected date range.

Search Results

The search results list can be ordered by any column by clicking the column title. The search results screen shows the Due Date, Title, Contact, Status, Started and Assigned To for each selected task (these can be changed by an Administrator from the Display Fields Editor). Future tasks are coloured green, tasks due today are coloured amber and overdue tasks are coloured red. Completed tasks are shown in grey.

Recycle Bin

When a task is deleted it will be placed in the recycle bin. The administrator has access to permanently delete tasks from the recycle bin.

Excel Export

Export your search results to an Excel file with the use of the Excel Export button. Click the button, choose a folder to save the file into, then give the file a name. You will then be given the opportunity to open the exported file.

Right Click Menu

Right-click an entry in the search results list to display these menu options:

  • Open Job - will open the related job (if applicable).
  • New – creates a new task.
  • Filter on this Job - only show tasks with the same job as the selected task.
  • Filter on this Contact - only show tasks with the same contact as the selected task.
  • Set Status to – options will appear showing the available statuses and allows a task's status to be changed.
  • Profile Selection - only shows if more than one task has been selected - allows multiple tasks to be changed at one time.
  • Delete - puts the task into the recycle bin.

Creating or Editing Tasks

A new task can be created by right-clicking the Tasks search results grid and choosing New from the drop-down menu. An existing task can be edited by right-clicking the Tasks search results screen and choosing Edit from the drop-down menu. The Task Details dialog appears. A task can also be created when adding a record or by right-clicking on a record and selecting Assign Task.

Details Tab

  • Job - shows the associated Job (if applicable)
  • Area - this can be a contact, team or admin area.
  • Contact - select a contact (client) if applicable. 
  • Location - a list of record locations for the area selected above.  
  • Title - the description of the task. 
  • Details - additional information about the task. 
  • Start Date - the date the task is actually started. 
  • Status - a list of user-defined task status descriptions.
  • Due Date - the date the task is due for completion. 
  • Partner - the partner responsible for this task. 
  • Manager - the manager responsible for this task. 
  • Reviewer - The person responsible for reviewing this task. 
  • Assigned By - person this task was assigned by.
  • Assigned To - person this task is assigned to. 
  • Completion Date - the date the task is completed. This date is set when the task is flagged as completed.

Schedule Tab

This tab allows the calculation of the start and due dates of a task to be controlled. 

Recurring Tasks

Check this box to create a new task from this task when its status is set to Completed. 

The new task's due date will be calculated according to the following settings.

  • Recurrence Pattern:
    • Daily - task recurs daily - Recur Every - enter the required number of days.
    • Weekly - task recurs weekly - Recur Every - enter the required number of weeks - Optionally select a specific day for the task to recur, otherwise it will be 7 days from the last task due date. 
    • Monthly - task recurs monthly - optionally, enter the day of the month or select the position of the day of the month and the number of months
    • Yearly - task recurs annually - optionally, enter the day of the month or select the position of the day of the month and the actual month
  • Range of Recurrence:
    • Start on - enter the date to start recurring
    • No End Date - tasks recur forever
    • End After - select the maximum number of times to recur
    • End by - enter the date after which recurring ceases
  • Start Date
    • Start Date Required - check this box if a start date is to be automatically calculated.
    • Schedule - the number of days to use in the calculation of the start date.
    • Type of Days- the options are:
      • Business Days - calculate the required number of business days, ignoring weekends and holidays (recommended option)
      • Calendar Days - include weekends and holidays.
    • From - the date to use as the basis for the calculation. The options are:
      • Previous Task Completion Date
      • Previous Task Start Date
        • Financial Year End
        • Today
  • Due Date
    • Due Date Required - check this box if a due date is to be automatically calculated.
    • Schedule - the number of days to use in the calculation of the due date.
    • Type of Days- the options are:
      • Business Days - calculate the required number of business days, ignoring weekends and holidays (recommended option)
      • Calendar Days - include weekends and holidays.
    • From - the date to use as the basis for the calculation. The options are:
      • Task Start 
      • Financial Year End
      • Today 

Notes Tab

This is an area where notes relating to the task can be entered. The Print button allows the notes to be printed. Note: use F3 to insert today's date and time into the text. Note: use Ctrl-Enter to add new lines.

Documents Tab

This tab lists the template documents and records attached to this task and allows new templates or records to be added or existing ones removed. It also lists any records created by this task but they cannot be removed. Once a template document has been used to create a record, it is disabled and cannot be opened again.

  • Add Template button - allows template documents to be added to the list.
  • Add Record button - allows records to be added to the list.
  • Remove button - allows the removal of template documents or records from the list.
  • Open button (or double-clicking an entry) opens an item in the list. HowNow records the time each document is open and creates a time activity entry for the task.

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