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I Can't Login to Smart Workpapers

PROBLEM: I am trying to login to the Smart Workpapers website and I get one of these error messages:

  • The email and password you entered does not match
  • Your username or password is incorrect
  • or 'my password reset email hasn't arrived'

SOLUTION: You may be trying to access Smart Workpapers via the wrong website. Use the following link to access the Smart Workpapers website: https://workpapers.businessfitness.com.au

PROBLEM: I can login to the Smart Workpapers website successfully, but not into Excel, I get this error message:

  • Failed to add workpaper

SOLUTION: Your Smart Workpapers Add-In may need updating. Please download the latest version of the Add-In using the instructions found here.

PROBLEM: I am trying to login to the Smart Workpapers website and I get this error message:

  • Sorry we had trouble logging you in

SOLUTION: Your Smart Workpapers Add-In may need updating. Please download the latest version of the Add-In using the instructions found here.

PROBLEM: I am trying to login to the Smart Workpapers Add-In in Excel for the first time, or trying to login to the Smart Workpapers website and I get this error message:

  • An error occurred while sending the request

SOLUTION: Your Add-In can't login due the inability to connect to the internet. Ask your IT to assist you by checking your Firewall, Virus Software and Excel security settings. You may need to ensure the relevant sites have been whitelisted on your network. See the Whitelist URLs - Master to access these link.

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