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Smart Workpapers Review Tips

Review Tips

1 Refresh the Trial Balance during the job and before review


2 All reconcile to items should have a green status

3 All work paper items should be resolved 

4 And here on the index page

5 Mark account line items as reviewed or Partner Approved


Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

6 Complete your checklists in the general area (Company checklist and the like)



7 You can add a review point by 

Add Workpaper item/ review point in type/select in the right column

Or open the wp and go to the cell itself


8 Print your review points 



Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

9 Once the job is complete, the status at the top which is now red should be green


10 Update the status to complete in Excel as above. 


11 Consider a backup based on your Document Management System

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