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Updating DataSync (including .Net Framework if version is older than 4.6)

**WARNING - the server may need to be rebooted if the .Net framework needs updating.**

  • This new version of DataSync will update the client's .Net Framework if it is not already version 4.6 or above.

INSTRUCTIONS - Please ensure all steps are followed in the correct order

Step 1

In the Data Sync Folder, located within the HowNow folder, find the Data Sync.exe.config file and create a backup copy as it may get overwritten with new config settings.

Step 2

Open the Data Sync.exe.config and copy the following information into a new notepad file (see image below):

  • API key
  • Domain
  • Username

Step 3

Open the HowNow.ini file, located in the HowNow folder, and copy the following information into the newly created notepad file (see image below):

  • DAVServer

Step 4

Download the latest Production version of DataSync - click here 

Step 5

Run the downloaded file.  PLEASE NOTE, the datasync installation needs to run with .NET Framework version 4.6 and above.  During the installation you may be prompted to upgrade.  A server reboot may be required.

Step 6

At the "Configuration" screen, please populate the below fields with the information copied into the notepad file (as per step 2 and 3).  Click on "Next" to continue.

Step 7

Leave the installation path as displayed.  Click on "Next" to continue.

Step 8

Click on the "Install" button to complete the installation.

Step 9

Untick the "Launch Data Sync" checkbox.  Click on the "Finish" button to complete installation.

Step 10

Restart the HowNow Server service.  This does not affect any users.

Step 11

Open the Task Scheduler program and update the HowNow Data Sync scheduled task.  Update the "Actions" tab so that it reflects the new location of the data sync program (as per step 7).  Please do not change the account that runs this task.

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