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Active L&R - Enforce Reordering of Accounting Policies

Issue: In some instances, particularly when a client has created custom accounting policies and moved them at the top of the accounting policy hierarchy, these policies may not display in the correct order in the "Notes to Section" of a report when combined with certain master accounting policies that we provide.

Example of Incorrect Sorting for Accounting Policies:

Sorting order of policy in Admin Centre > Ledger Admin > Policies:

This is how the policies may incorrectly appear in the report:

Cause: A bug/limitation in our code may prevent the proper sorting of custom accounting policies, leading them to display below an unedited master accounting policy rather than above it.


  1. First, verify the following:

    • Is the sorting of accounting policies correct in Ledger Admin > Notes > Policies? Check here: Ledger Admin Policies.

    • Is the sorting of accounting policies correct in Admin > Notes under the default Policy Layout? Check here: Default Policy Layout.

  2. If both checks are correct, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

    • In Ledger Admin > Notes > Policies, open the first unedited master accounting policy.
    • Click "Customize," then "Save and Close."

This action will prompt the system to place the master policy below any custom policies created.

See a video of this in action here:

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