If you are finding that the colours in a letter have changed after the merge process, the below steps should assist in resolving this for you.
Most of the colours in a letter are managed through the firms Master Style Template, a mismatch between the letter and the Master Style Template will mean that the letters style will be overwritten.
Before we begin:
In HowNow, navigate to Knowledge and locate the letter you are creating, double click the letter and take note of the Master Style Template being used, then close the profiling window.
- In Knowledge, expand the filters Document Type > Templates > Master Style.
- Locate the Master Style Template that you took note of earlier.
- Right-click the template and select Edit (This will create a new edition of the template and leave the current edition available for use by other staff).
- In Word, navigate to the Design tab (This will contain themes and other various tools), then click on the Colours button.
- In the list of Colours, select Office.
- Save the changes and close the template.
- HowNow will ask for a change log, enter details if required otherwise, just close the window.
- Right-click on the latest edition in HowNow Knowledge.
- Select Assign Current Status.
- Test with the letter that you are experiencing issues with.
If you are still experiencing colour issues with your letter or template, please create a support ticket and ensure to attach both the letter and the Master Style Template.